Michel Bouvier recalled that the question of whether the public sector should be run like the private sector is not new. David Litvan, Ministerial budget and accounts controller, mentioned the pivotal role played by the LOLF (Organic Law on the Finance Laws of 1 August 2001). Jacques Rapoport, Chairman and CEO of SNCF Réseau, recalled the specific constraints which pose a challenge to public action. Inès-Claire Mercereau, Deputy Officer of the French Court of Auditors, stated that public service organisations and private businesses are “compatible”. Patrick Vandevoorde, Former Managing Director of CDC Infrastructure, discussed public-private partnerships. Emmanuel Esneu, Director of Asset and Project Financing for La Banque Postale, focused on concessions. Emmanuel Millard, Chairman of the Public Service Group of the French national association of CFOs and management controllers (DFCG) concluded the event.
