Panel discussion, “Public finance and the fight against poverty in Morocco and France”, 11 June 2016, Moroccan Treasury, Rabat (Morocco)

Panel discussion, “Public finance and the fight against poverty in Morocco and France”, 11 June 2016, Moroccan Treasury, Rabat (Morocco)

The Moroccan Ministry of Economy and Finance and Fondafip organised a symposium in Rabat on 11 June 2016 on public finance and the fight against poverty in Morocco and France. The following people participated: Noureddine Bensouda, General Treasurer of the Kingdom of Morocco, Michel Bouvier, Professor at the  University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, President of Fondafip, Director of the Revue Française de Finances Publiques, Marie-Christine Esclassan, Professor at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, General Secretary of Fondafip, Director of the Revue Française de Finances Publiques, Nadira El Guermai, Governor, Coordinator of the National Human Development Initiative, Jean-Marie Monnier, Economics Professor at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Researcher at the Sorbonne Economics Centre, Rachid Amghar, Head of the Research and Studies Division and Mohamed Mesmoudi, Prefectoral Treasurer of Rabat.
