Founder and director of the Revue Française de Finances Publiques
Founder and director of the following collections: Systèmes, Décentralisation et développement local,
Politiques locales, published by LGDJ-Lextenso
Director of the Bibliothèque de Finances Publiques et Fiscalité collection, published by LGDJ-Lextenso
Member of the Observatoire des Finances Locales du Comité des Finances Locales
Member of the Senate’s Committee of Experts on decentralization
Member of the Advisory Committee of the Council for the Normalization of Public Accounts
Member of the Overseas Departments and Territories Committee of the AFD (Agence Française de
Member of the Conseil de l’Observatoire de la Dépense Publique
Member of the Board of Directors of the French Society of Public Finance (in charge of the State Finance
Member of the Board of Editors of the Revista International de Direito Tributario (Brazil)
Member of the Board of Directors of the Revista de Finanças Publicas e Direito Fiscal (Portugal)
Member of the Board of Directors of European Tax Studies
Director of studies at the Prép’ENA Sorbonne
In charge of the Public management module of the National Heritage Institute (Institut National du
Member of the following juries: Bercy Prize (Ministry of Finance); Cambon Prize (Court of Accountants);
The Senate’s Prize for PhDs
Head of the Master in Law and public finance management (University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Founder and director of the Groupement Européen de Recherches en Finances Publiques (GERFIP)
Member of the Tax Council
Member of the jury for the ENA entrance and exit exams
Member of several juries of the external competitive exam to the post of administrateur territorial (topranking
local government officers)
Chevalier de la Légion d’honneur; Officier de l’Ordre national du mérite
Introduction to tax law and tax theory (Introduction au droit fiscal et à la théorie de l’impôt), 13th edit. LGDJ, 2016 (translated into Polish and Vietnamese)
Public Finance Handbook (Manuel de Finances Publiques), 15th edit., 2016, LGDJ, (with MC. Esclassan and J.P. Lassale), (translated into Vietnamese)
Local finances (Les finances locales), 16th edit., LGDJ, 2015 (translated into Polish and Vietnamese)
Financial governance of cities (La gouvernance financière des villes) (editor), LGDJ 2016
The territorial State (L’Etat territorial) (editor), LGDJ 2015
How to monitor public finance reforms? (Quel pilotage des réformes en finances publiques?)(editor), LGDJ 2014
Transparency of public finance: towards a new model (La transparence des finances publiques : vers un nouveau modèle). (editor), LGDJ 2013
Consistency of public finance between Morocco and France (La cohérence des finances publiques au Maroc et en France) (editor), LGDJ 2012
The new financial and tax administration (La nouvelle administration financière et fiscale), (editor) LGDJ 2011
The LOLF budget framework law and the State’s new financial governance (La LOLF et la nouvelle gouvernance financière de l’Etat) (with A Barilari), 3th edition; LGDJ, 2010
Good public finance governance around the world (La bonne gouvernance des finances publiques dans le monde), (editor), LGDJ, 2009
Public finance reform: change management (Réforme de finances publiques : la conduite du changement) (editor), LGDJ, 2007
Innovations, creations and transformations in public finance (Innovations, créations et transformations en finances publiques) (editor), LGDJ, 2006
Managing public spending in the French-speaking countries of Sub-Saharan Africa (La gestion de la dépense publique dans les pays de l’Afrique francophone subsaharienne), DGCID 2006
Public finance reform, democracy and good governance (Réforme des finances publiques, démocratie et bonne gouvernance) (editor), LGDJ, 2004
Tax administration in France (L’administration fiscale en France), PUF, Que sais-je?, 1988, (with MC Esclassan)
The apolitic State : tradition and modernity (L’Etat sans politique, Tradition et modernité), pref. by G. Vedel, LGDJ, 1986
Local solidarity: Intermunicipal conventions for development and planning (Solidarités locales ; Les chartes intercommunales de développement et d’aménagement (editor), LGDJ, 1986
Municipal system: current state and virtualities of the financial management of municipalities(Le système communal : Etat actuel et virtualités de la gestion financière des communes), (with MC Esclassan); pref. by P. Lalumière, LGDJ, 1981
Reinventing a tax philosophy to give it new meaning (Réinventer une philosophie de l'impôt pour lui donner un sens), in Revue Française de Finances Publiques No. 137-2016
Public finance in transition (Des finances publiques en transition) in Cahiers français No. 396 Jan.-Feb. 2017. Editions La documentation française
A changing world, public accounting in transition (Un monde en mutation, une comptabilité publique en transition) in Revue française de finances publiques No. 136-2016
Transformations of public financial law (Les transformations du droit public financier) in Traité des rapports entre ordres juridiques. Edited by B Bonnet. Editions LGDJ- Lextenso 2016
Designing a methodology for public finances (Concevoir une méthodologie pour les finances publiques) in Revue française de finances publiques No. 135-2016
From the city to the metropolis: new economic and political momentum (De la ville à la métropole : une dynamique économique et politique nouvelle) in La gouvernance financière des villes. Edited by M Bouvier. LGDJ-Lextenso 2016
Citizens, public financial governance and changing policy (Le citoyen, la gouvernance financière publique et les mutations du politique) in Revue française de finances publiques No. 135-2016
Tiene sentido todovia la autonomia financiera local ?in Anuario de Derecho Municipal No. 9 -2016 Editions Universidad autonoma de Madrid
Tax evasion: an indication of a new economic and political model (L’évasion fiscale : révélateur d’un nouveau modèle économique et politique ?) inRevue française de finances publiques No. 134-2016
Tax evasion and the Panama Papers: what really matters (Evasion fiscale et « Panama papers » : là n’est pas l’essentiel !) inLes Echos, 18/04/2016
Can the future be fair in terms of taxation? (L’avenir peut-il être juste fiscalement ?) inProblèmes économiques April 2016
Metropolisation, digital technology and globalisation: a stateless society? (La métropolisation, le numérique et la mondialisation : une société sans Etat ?) inRevue française de finances publiques No 133-2016
Rebuilding a legal order with Georges Gurvitch (Refonder un ordre juridique avec Georges Gurvitch) in Archives de philosophie du droit. Volume 58. December 2015
LOLF budget framework law: today's scenario (La LOLF : scenario pour aujourd’hui) in La LOLF dans tous ses états.Edited by N. MEDE. Ed. CPU de l’Université d’Abomey-Calavi, 2015
The metropolis: at the forefront of a new economic and political model (La métropole : avant garde d’un nouveau modèle économique et politique), inRevue française de finances publiques No. 132-2015
Local tax power: from a “smokescreen” power to an “order of autonomy” (Le pouvoir fiscal local : d’un pouvoir « en trompe l’œil » à un « ordre des autonomies »), in Revue française de finances publiques No. 131-2015
Georges Renard: an advocate of Hauriou institutionalism (Georges Renard : un militant de l’institutionnalisme de Hauriou), in La pensée du doyen Hauriou à l’épreuve du temps. Edited by Ch. Alonso, A. Duranthon, J. Schmitz. Ed. Presses Universitaires d’Aix-Marseille 2015
Taxation: the end of outdated taxes (Fiscalité : en finir avec les impôts dépassés), La Tribune, 2/6/2015
Local authorities must prefer renting to buying (Les collectivités locales doivent préférer la location à l’achat), Le Monde, 27/5/2015
Tax security: a fully-fledged public policy (La sécurité fiscale : une politique publique à part entière), in Revue française de finances publiques No. 130-2015
How can local authorities find financial leeway?(Comment les collectivités locales pourraient trouver des marges de manœuvre financière ?) La Tribune 13/4/2015
The shock of metropolises: new economic and political momentum (Le choc des métropoles : une dynamique économique et politique nouvelle), in Administration No. 129-2015
Technical utopia and public financial cyberworld (Utopie technicienne et cybernétique financière publique), inRevue française de finances publiques No. 129-2015
Does local financial autonomy have a purpose? (L’autonomie financière locale a-t-elle un sens ?)in Revue française de finances publiques No. 129--2015
Purpose and legitimacy of taxes (Sens et légitimité de l’impôt) in Revue Pouvoirs.No. 151-2014
Metropolis: the future of a new model of public governance (La métropole : avenir d’un nouveau modèle de gouvernance publique) in Revue française de finances publiques No. 128-2014
Does taxation have a purpose?(L’impôt a-t-il un sens ?)Libération, 16/10/2014
Public finance crisis, mobilisation of taxes and the fight against tax evasion (Crise des finances publiques, mobilisation de l’impôt et lutte contre l’évasion fiscale), in Revue française de finances publiques No. 127-2014
Public finance and political democracy: inventing a new social bond (Finances publiques et démocratie politique : inventer un nouveau lien social) inMélanges Alain Lambert, Ed. LexisNexis. May 2014
New mayors and new local financial power: hope or cause for concern? (Nouveaux maires et nouveau pouvoir financier local : l’espoir ou l’inquiétude ?) inRevue française de finances publiques No. 126-2014
VAT, a national treasure becoming less and less unprofitable? (La TVA, un trésor national de moins en moins rentable ?) inJournal du dimanche (JDD), 8/4/2014
The control of public spending at the heart of a social project? (La maîtrise de la dépense publique au cœur d’un projet de société ?) inRevue française de finances publiques No. 125-2014
Local financial autonomy and European financial federalism: overcoming the deadlock (Autonomie financière locale et fédéralisme financier européen : sortir du quiproquo) in Revue Pouvoirs locaux No. 99-2013
Fiscal justice, tax legitimacy and post-modern society (Justice fiscale, légitimité de l’impôt et société postmoderne) in Revue française de finances publiques No. 124-2013
The French view on taxes: which taxation for which society?(Les français face à l’impôt : quelle fiscalité pour quelle société ?) in Revue française de finances publiques No. 124-2013
A major national debate on taxation is critical(Un grand débat national sur la question fiscale est urgent). in Le Monde, 14 October 2013
Exposicion sobre el desarrollo territorial e desarrollo humanoy el buen gobierno, in Desarrollo territorial, transparencia,e institucionalido. Edited by JT Montas and JM Liger. Editions AFD- Ministry of the Economy of the Dominican Republic. 2013
For a general movement against tax disarray! (Pour une mobilisation générale contre le désarroi fiscal !) in Les Echos, 19 September 2013
Constitutionalisation and quasi-constitutionalisation of the French public financial system (Constitutionnalisation et quasi-constitutionnalisation du système financier public français), inLa Constitution, l’Europe et le Droit. Mélanges en l’honneur de Jean Masclet. Ed. Publications de la Sorbonne 2013
A new Middle Age of taxation or a new fiscal order (Nouveau Moyen-âge fiscal ou nouvel ordre fiscal ?) inRevue Française de Finances publiques No. 123-2013
Fatal ambiguities of public financial law (Les ambigüités fatales du droit public financier), inRevue Française de Finances publiques No. 122-2013
A tax system in transformation (Un système fiscal en transformation), inCahiers français No. 373-2013
Financial integration of local authorities versus recentralisation (L’intégration financière des collectivités locales versus recentralisation), in Revue Française de Finances publiques No. 121-2013
Alignment of public finances: overcoming the deadlock (Mise en cohérence des finances publiques : sortir du quiproquo), in Revue Française de Finances publiques No. 121-2013
The “golden rule”: from a financial fantasy to a change in political power? (La « règle d’or » : d’un imaginaire financier à une mutation du pouvoir politique ?) in Pouvoirs locaux No. 95-2012
Considerations on the need for consistency between public financial systems (Considérations sur le besoin de cohérence des systèmes financiers publics), in Mélanges en l’honneur de JP Lassale, G Montagnier, L Saïdj. Ed. L’Harmattan 2012
European Union: financial solidarity or adventure! (Union européenne : la solidarité financière ou l’aventure !) in Revue Française de Finances Publiques No. 120-2012
Public financial management (Gestion financière publique) in Le Dictionnaire encyclopédique de l’administration publique, L. Côté and J.-F. Savard (editor), Ed. ENAP (Quebec). November 2012
The State and public finances since the end of the 1970s (Etat et finances publiques depuis la fin des années 1970), in Revue Problèmes économiques (September 2012)
International public financial standards: what legitimacy? (Les normes financières publiques internationales : quelle légitimité?) in Revue Française de Finances Publiques No. 119-2012
Local financial autonomy throughout the crises (L’autonomie financière locale à travers les crises), in Revue Française de Finances Publiques No. 119-2012
New public financial management, new decision-making process (A nouvelle gestion des finances publiques, nouveau processus de décision), in Mélanges en l’honneur du Professeur Joël Molinier, LGDJ 2012
Reform of the French public financial system and beyond (La réforme du système financier public français…et au-delà), in Revue bancaire et financière, No. 2/3-2012
The sustainability of public finances without a political project (La soutenabilité des finances publiques en déficit de projet politique), in RFFP No. 118-2012
Reflection on the need for consistency of the public financial system (Réflexions sur le besoin de cohérence du système financier public), in La cohérence des finances publiques au Maroc et en France, LGDJ 2012
Inventing a new public financial model to rediscover the collective purpose (Inventer un nouveau modèle financier public pour retrouver le sens du collectif), inRevue Française de Finances Publiques No. 117-2012
A legislative path to a balanced budget and public debt relief? (Une voie législative de l’équilibre budgétaire et du désendettement public ?) inJournal of Public Administration, No. 6-2011 (University Sun Yat Sen. Guangsu, China)
Does the golden rule of public finance have a future?(La règle d’or des finances publiques a-t-elle un avenir) inRevue Française de Finances Publiques No. 117-2012
Inventing the taxation of the 21st century: for a transnational public debate (Inventer la fiscalité du 21ème siècle : pour un débat public transnational), in Revue Française de Finances publiques No. 116-2011
Golden rule: a public finance revolution?(La règle d’or : une révolution des finances publiques ?) in Regards sur l’actualité No. 373-2011
New public financial order and new European political order: from one world to another (Nouvel ordre financier public et nouvel ordre politique européen : d’un monde à l’autre), in Revue Française de Finances publiques No. 116-2011
Konstytucjonalizacja wieloletniego programowania finansow publicznychwe Francji, in Instrumenty nowego zarzadzania finansami publicznymi. Edited by E Ruskowski. Ed. Temida 2011
Towards European public financial governance (Vers une gouvernance financière publique européenne), in Revue Française de Finances Publiques No. 115 (September 2011)
Local financial autonomy: a concept put to the test of the 21st century (L’autonomie financière locale : un concept à l’épreuve du 21ème siècle), in Revue Française de Finances Publiques Special edition (May 2011)
Article 34: the constitutionalisation of multi-annual public finance programming (Article 34 : la constitutionnalisation de la programmation pluriannuelle des finances publiques), in La révision de 2008 : une nouvelle constitution ? Edited by JP Camby, P Fraissex, J Gicquel. LGDJ- Lextenso 2011
Does old age have a financial purpose? (La vieillesse a-t-elle un sens …financier ?) in Revue Française de Finances Publiques No. 114-2011
Introduction of the “golden rule” in the Constitution (L’introduction de la « règle d’or » dans la Constitution) in Constitutions No. 1-2011
The “golden rule”: a concept to develop (La « règle d’or » : un concept à construire) in Revue Française de Finances Publiques No. 113-2011
The local French tax system (Le système fiscal local français) in Federalismo fiscale e autonomia degli enti territoriali, edited by A Ennio La scala Editions Giappichelli 2010
Local financial autonomy: illusion or re-establishment (L’autonomie financière locale : illusion ou refondation ?)in Pouvoirs locaux No. 87-2010
New public financial governance and management of local public services (Nouvelle gouvernance financière publique et gestion des services publics locaux) in Le financement des services publics locaux, edited by Martine Long, LGDJ Nov. 2010, Collection Décentralisation et développement local
Changes in the French tax system (Les mutations du système fiscal français), inRegards sur l’actualité No. 365, November 2010
New public financial governance and transformations of political power (Nouvelle gouvernance financière publique et transformations du pouvoir politique), inRéformes des finances publiques et modernisation de l’administration(Mélanges R Hertzog). Economica 2010
Fiscal justice: an ethical and philosophical challenge (Justice fiscale : un enjeu éthique et philosophique) inRevue Française de Finances Publiques No. 112-2010
New civic attitude towards taxation and the legitimacy of tax collection (Nouveau civisme fiscal et légitimité du recouvrement de l’impôt), inRevue Française de Finances Publiques No. 112-2010
Budget and accounting sincerity: a contradictory principle? (La sincérité budgétaire et comptable : un principe paradoxal ?) in Revue Française de Finances Publiques No. 111-2010
Recentralisation or vertical integration of public financial systems? (Recentralisation ou intégration verticale des systèmes financiers publics ?) in Revue Française de Finances Publiques No. 111-2010
The fight against international tax evasion: repression or prevention? (La lutte contre l’évasion fiscale internationale : répression ou prévention ?), in Revue Française de Finances publiques, No. 110-2010
Public finance crisis and rebuilding the State (Crise des finances publiques et refondation de l’Etat), inRevue Française de Finances publiques, Special edition Public finance in Morocco and France: challenges and answers in response to the crisis; April 2010
Die subnationalen Ebenen in Frankreich: ein komplexes System , in Federalismus-Symposium des Bundesrates: Die Rolle der Regionen im europäischen Einigungsprozess.Ed. Bundesrat 2010
Reform of professional tax: rebuilding local tax governance? (La réforme de la taxe professionnelle : une refondation de la gouvernance fiscale locale ?), in Regards sur l’actualité, No. 359-March 2010
Estados social : regulaçao, economia e politica,in Revista de fiananças publicas e direito fiscal Vol1, March 2010.
“Preventative tax agreements”: security for businesses and the administration (Les « accords fiscaux préventifs » : une sécurité pour l’entreprise et pour l’administration), inEcrits de fiscalité des entreprises, études à la mémoire du Professeur Maurice Cozian, Litec 2009
Public finance crisis, the crisis of a political model (Crise des finances publiques, crise d’un modèle politique), in Revue Française de Finances publiques, No. 108-2009
Opening the debate: which taxation for which State (Ouvrir le débat : quelle fiscalité pour quel Etat ?), inRevue Française de Finances publiques, No. 108-2009
New tax governance (Nouvelle gouvernance fiscale) in Revista internacional de Direiti tributario, No. 10, Ed. Del Rey
A questao do imposto ideal, in Principios e limites da tributaçao, Ed. Quartier Latin, Sao Paulo (Brazil), 2009
The State’s new financial governance (La nouvelle gouvernance financière de l’Etat), in Bialistockie studia prawnicze, Ed. Wydzial Prawa Uniwersytetu, Byalistok (Poland), 2009
The crisis of a political model (La crise d’un modèle politique), in RFFP No. 107-2009
Local financial governance: splendour, decline or renewal?(La gouvernance financière locale : splendeur, déclin ou renouveau?) In Regards sur l’actualité, No. 351 -2009
Intellectual audacity and good public financial governance : an answer to the crisis (Audace intellectuelle et bonne gouvernance financière publique : une réponse à la crise), in RFFP No. 106-2009
Decentralisation, financial autonomy and tax powers of local authorities (Décentralisation, autonomie financière et pouvoir fiscal des collectivités territoriales), FEACT, April 2009
Local indirect taxation (Impôts indirects locaux), in Jurisclasseur Collectivités territoriales, Ed. LITEC, March 2009
Reforms: the performance culture is not incompatible with institutional diversity (Réformes : la culture de la performance n’est pas incompatible avec la diversité institutionnelle) in RFFP No. 105-2009
Multi-year planning, balanced public finances and new public financial governance (Programmation pluriannuelle, équilibre des finances publiques et nouvelle gouvernance financière publique) in Petites Affiches No. 16 - 23/01/2009.
Comment on Article 72-2 of the French Constitution (Commentaire de l’article 72-2 de la Constitution française) in La Constitution de la République française, collective publication edited by F Luchaire, G Conac, X Prétot. Editions Economica 2008
New financial governance of the State in France (La nouvelle gouvernance financière de l’Etat en France), in The constitution and its reform, collective publication edited by P Pavlopoulos, S Flogaitis, A Pantelis. Ed. Esperia publications, London 2008
Financial crisis, crisis of ideas?End of illusions and return to politics? ((Crise financière, crise des idées ? Fin des illusions et retour du politique ?) inRFFP No. 104-2008
From the spotlight to the sidelines: new players in the constitutionalisation of public financial law (Du centre à la périphérie : les nouvelles figures de la constitutionnalisation du droit public financier) inCinquantième anniversaire de la Constitution française, edited by B Mathieu, Dalloz 2008
Multi-year programming and balanced public finances: conditions for success (Programmation pluriannuelle et équilibre des finances publiques : les conditions du succès) in RFFP No. 103-2008
The intelligent State and new public financial governance (L’Etat intelligent et la nouvelle gouvernance financière publique) inRFFP No. 102-2008
Local tax governance: splendour, decadence or renewal (La gouvernance fiscale locale : splendeur, décadence ou renouveau?) inRFFP No. 101-2008
General review of public policies and State reform (La révision générale des politiques publiques et la réforme de l’Etat), inAJDA No. 7-2008
The eternal return of the body to represent politics (L’éternel retour du corps comme représentation du politique), in Mélanges en l’honneur de Jacqueline Morand-Deviller, LGDJ 2008.
Certifying the State’s accounts: expression of new public financial governance (La certification des comptes de l’Etat : expression d’une nouvelle gouvernance financière publique), in Revue juridique de l’économie publique, No. 649 January 2008
Post-modern society and the taxpayers’ ability to pay (Société post-moderne et capacité contributive des contribuables) inRevista Internacional de Direito Tributario No. 8-2007
New public financial governance at the heart of the reform of the democratic State (La nouvelle gouvernance financière publique au cœur de la réforme de l’Etat démocratique), in Vigie No. 31- December 2007 (Quebec ENAP review).
Inventing new public financial governance: founding the 21st-century State (Inventer une nouvelle gouvernance financière publique : fonder l’Etat du XXIème siècle), inRevue Française de Finances Publiques No. 100-2007
Financial aspects of decentralisation (Les aspects financiers de la décentralisation), inSénat et Territoires “25 ans de décentralisation” special edition. November 2007
Rethinking financial solidarity between local authorities (Repenser la solidarité financière entre collectivités locales), Revue Française d’administration publique No. 121/122-2007
New sustainable public financial governance and conducting budgetary reform in developing countries (Nouvelle gouvernance financière publique durable et conduite de la réforme budgétaire dans les pays en développement), Revue Française de Finances Publiques No. 98-2007
From reforming local tax power to new public financial governance (De la réforme du pouvoir fiscal local à la nouvelle gouvernance financière publique), Revue Française de Finances Publiques No. 98-2007
Are our taxes still effective? For a tax assessment(Nos impôts sont-ils encore performants ? Pour un bilan fiscal), Revue Française de Finances Publiques No. 97-2007
Symposium FONDAFIP/Le Débat: Public finance and the State in the era of the digital economy and metropolises. Opening statement. Introductory report. University Paris 1, 27 March 2017
Symposium FONDAFIP/Sciences Po: Financing for "smart" territories? The impact of the digital economy on local management. Opening statement. Introductory report: Local financial governance in a world in transition. ScPo Paris, 17 January 2017
International symposium Ministry of Finance of Morocco / Fondafip: Public finance and environmental protection. Opening statement. Introductory report: Public finance and taxation: what impact? Who are the financial players of tomorrow? Rabat (Morocco) 10 December 2016
Panel discussion Fondafip: Territoriality of taxation: globalisation and the digital economy. Opening report: Taxation in a changing world. University Paris 1 (Paris) 7 December 2016
International symposium Fondafip/University of Bologna:The taxpayer faced with the expanding power to tax. Opening statement. Introductory report: Shifting towards a new Middle Age of taxation or the end of taxes? Bologna (Italy) 18 November 2016
International symposium Fondafip/University of Sherbrooke/APFF: Democracy, transparency and taxation. Opening report: What fiscal transparency today? Sherbrooke (Canada) 3 November 2016
Symposium University Versailles-Saint-Quentin: Public debt. Report:Balancing the budget and public debt in a world in transition. Guyancourt, 27 October 2016
International symposium Algerian Court of Auditors/French Court of Auditors: New public management. Introductory report:New public management in time and space. Algiers (Algeria), 27 October 2016
International symposium University Aix-Marseille: Debt, balances and constitutions in Europe. Report: What balances for the future? Aix, 3 October 2016
Symposium Fondafip/AFCM: Managing public funds: which responsibilities? Introductory report: Public financial responsibility faced with a budgetary system in transition. Economic, Social and Environmental Council. Paris, 19 September 2016
International symposium Ministry of Finance of Morocco / Fondafip: Political powers and public finance. Opening statement. Introductory report: Politics and public finance: the major transition. Rabat, 16 and 17 September 2016
Symposium Court of Auditors: General accounting of the State: ten years later, Report: A changing world, public accounting in transition. Luxembourg Palace (Paris), 30 June 2016
International symposium Ministry of Finance of Morocco / Fondafip: Public finance and the fight against poverty. Opening statement. Report: Universal income. Rabat, 11 June 2016
International symposium University of Hubei/Fondafip: New local financial governance/comparative approaches. Opening statement. Introductory report: Public finance reform in France. Wuhan (China), 27/28 May 2016
Panel discussion Fondafip: Local financial governance and the digital economy. Opening statement. Paris, 18 May 2016
Symposium Institut de Science Politique Paris /Caisse des Dépôts: A new territorial system. Introductory report: Local financial governance in transition. Paris, 10 May 2016
International symposium Fondafip: The tax control of companies in France and the European Union. Opening statement and report: Tax control, globalisation and the digital economy. Paris, 14 April 2016
International symposium Ministry of Finance of Morocco / Fondafip: Tax security. Opening statement. Introductory report: Major challenges of tax security. Rabat, 12 March 2016
Panel discussion Fondafip: Do local authorities need financing laws? Introductory report: From the financial stability pact to financing laws for local authorities? Paris, 9 March 2016
Panel discussion Fondafip: Should the public sector be managed like a company? Introductory report: Public management in transition. Paris, 16 February 2016
Symposium Fondafip: New territories, new assets, new financing. Introductory report: State and territories in transition. Paris, 15 January 2016
Conference at the Royal Golf Anfa Mohammedia: Taxation: what legitimacy and what future? Casablanca (Morocco), 11 December 2015
Symposium ADCF: Local public spending: towards new landmarks. Report: Local public spending: current and future challenges? Paris, 25 November 2015
International symposium France / Italy: Modernising taxation. Symposium organised by FONDAFIP and the University of Bologna. Opening statement. Introductory report: Rebuilding taxation consent in an effort towards modernisation. Bologna (Italy), 13 November 2015
International symposium France / Quebec: Local tax autonomy in Quebec and France. Symposium organised by FONDAFIP and APFF. Opening statement. Introductory report: Local financial governance in transition. Paris (Senate), 6 November 2015.
Third national day of the Financial jurisdiction trade union and the Trade union of managing directors of local authorities (Syndicat des juridictions financières / Syndicat National des directeurs généraux des collectivités territoriales). Report: Local financial governance in transition. Paris (Senate), 16 October 2015.
Symposium DLR: Renting and the VAT compensation fund. Introductory report: VAT/VAT compensation fund and local financial governance. Paris (Senate), 28 September 2015.
Symposium of the Association française de philosophie du droit: Public order. Chairman of the round table “Economic, social, cultural and financial economic public order” Paris, 17 September 2015
9th international symposium Fondafip-Ministry of Finance of Morocco: Financial management of towns in Morocco and France. Opening and closing statement. General report: From towns to metropolises: economic growth and new policy. Rabat, 11 and 12 September 2015.
Symposium Fondafip/Mairie de Paris: Local finance conferences. Opening statement and Report: Other approaches to local financial governance? Paris, 18 May 2015
Symposium Fondafip/University of Zagreb: Comparative taxation procedures between France and Croatia. Opening and Report: Tax security and preventive agreements. Zagreb (Croatia), 14 May 2015
Symposium University Paris V: Tax rescript. Report: Preventive tax agreements: security for the taxpayer and the administration. Paris, 4 May 2015
Symposium Fondafip: Tax security. Report: Tax security: a public policy. Paris, 13 April 2015
Symposium Fondafip/University of Rouen: Taxation of the digital economy. Opening and closing statements. Rouen, 27 March 2015
International symposium Fondafip/University of Mons: Financial decentralisation in Belgium and France. Opening report: Local financial governance in question. Mons (Belgium) 11 March 2015
Symposium University of Cotonou: The LOLF budget framework act in all its states. Final report: The future of budgetary reforms in Africa. Cotonou (Benin), 21 February 2015
Symposium Société française de finances publiques: The future role of public finance? Report: Science of public finance and public financial law: overcoming the deadlock. Paris, 15 January 2015
Symposium Fédération Territoires. Report: Balancing public finances, European constraints and local financial autonomy. Poitiers, 4 December 2014
97th Congress of the Association des Maires de France. Opening report for the round table: 2014/2017: €28 billion less for public authorities: consequences for companies and households? Paris, 27 November 2014
International symposium France / Canada: Taxation control in France and Canada: comparative analysis. Symposium organised by Fondafip and APFF. Opening statement,introductory report on Tax control and taxation consent, report on Tax control law in France, report on The Mandatory Tax Withholdings Council. Montreal, 6 November 2014
International symposium of the Autonomous University of Madrid: La estabilidad presupuestaria local. Report: Budgetary balance of French local authorities. Madrid, 27 October 2014
Forum Libération/Mulhouse: Long live taxes!Presentation: Does taxation have a purpose? Mulhouse, 25 October 2014
International symposium Fondafip/University of Finance and Economics of Beijing (China). Public finance reform in China and France: comparative approach. Opening and closing statements. Introductory report: Budgetary reform in France. Report: The new tax civic attitude in France. Beijing, 20 and 21 October 2014.
Symposium Fondafip/Urban Community of Brest: Year one of metropolises. Opening statement. Report: Metropolis: the future of public governance. Brest, 6 October 2014
Symposium 8th Fondafip-Ministry of Finance of Morocco: The territorial State in Morocco and France: what synergies between State finances and public authorities’ finances? Introductory and closing speech. General report: The new territorial State. Rabat, 12 and 13 September 2014.
Symposium of the Association des Agents comptables des universités Closing report: GPCP decree: a reform of public financial governance? Strasbourg, 13 June 2014
Symposium Institut de sciences politiques de Paris: Territorial solidarity. Report:The local financial system in question. Paris, 12 June 2014
10th Conference of public services of ADNFCG : Performance in public services: myth or reality? Introductory report: Performance and new public financial. Paris, 11 April 2014
Symposium Fondafip/DLF: VAT 60 years later. Opening statement. Introductory report: VAT: between fantasy and reality. Paris, 10 April 2014
Meeting Poland/France/Germany. Report: Public financial law between order and movement. University of Bialystok (Poland), 20 March 2014
Conferences University of Bialystok (Poland). 20 March 2014: French law on tax control. 21 March 2014: Tax security in French law.
Symposium IGPDE, Presentation: Tax evasion in a crisis context. Paris, 12 March 2014
Forum of the Association of budget director of Central African countries (FoHBAC). Opening report: Reforming the State and consolidating democracy through the budget. First presentation: Budget implementation in programme mode: the case of France. Second presentation: Challenges of financial decentralisation. Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo), 24 to 28 February 2014
Symposium FONDAFIP: Public finance reform in Morocco. Opening statement. Paris, 19 February 2014
Symposium of CERDARE of the Bordeaux Law Faculty: The territorialisation of local financial law. Summary report: The territorialisation of local financial law tested by crises. Bordeaux, 29 November 2013
Congress of the Association des Maires de France. Report: What challenges for local finances? Paris, 21 November 2013
International symposium France / Canada: Public finance crisis and tax evasion. Symposium organised by Fondafip and APFF. Opening statement and introductory report. Paris, 15 November 2013
Symposium University of Rouen - Fondafip, The euro and taxes. Report: Is a tax policy possible? Rouen, 18 October 2013
University of Genoa (Italy), Decisione di balancio e sistemi di governo. Report: Balanced public accounts in France. Genoa, 11 and 12 October 2013
7th symposium Fondafip-Ministry of Finance of Morocco: How to monitor public finance reforms in Morocco and France? Introductory and closing speech. General report: Monitoring public financial reforms while faced with crises. Rabat, 13 and 14 September 2013.
UN conference: Local financial equalisation. Geneva, 1 July 2013
Seminar of the Ministry of Planning of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam: Strengthening the planning reform at the central and decentralized level. Hanoi and Ho Chi Min City, 17 to 21 June 2013
Symposium Fitch Ratings: Public sector financing. Closing report: Public sector financing tested by crises. Paris, 6 June 2013
30-Year anniversary of the Revue Française de Finances Publiques: introductory speech. Paris, 5 June 2013
Symposium Institut de sciences politiques de Paris: The reform of territories. Report:Financing of skills. Paris, 4 June 2013
International symposium FONDAFIP/UniversitySun Yat Sen of Guangzhou (China): Public budgetary reforms and challenges for the 21st century: an international perspective. Opening and closing statements of the symposium.Opening report: Public finance reform: major international trends. Guangzhou, 23 and 24 May 2013
International symposium FONDAFIP/Portuguese Court of Auditors/University of Lisbon: Budgetary policies in a crisis environment. Opening and closing statements of the symposium.Report: Tax policies: the dilemma. Lisbon, 29 April 2013
ENA conference: Local development and good financial governance. Paris, 18 April 2013
IGPDE conference: Local financial governance faced with crises. Paris, 18 April 2013
Symposium FONDAFIP-IDP of the University of Poitiers: What happened to tax policies? Opening statement of the symposium.Report: Ideologies and tax policies. Poitiers, 2 April 2013.
International symposium: Challenges of new financial governance in Brazil and France. Opening statement. Report: Challenges of local financial governance in France. Symposium organised by Fondafip with the support of Gerfip, the Sorbonne School of Law, and the Revue Française de Finances Publiques. University Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne. Paris, 18 March 2013.
Symposium: Transformations of public financial law. Opening report: Public financial law between order and movement. Symposium organised by Fondafip with the support of Gerfip and the Revue Française de Finances Publiques. University Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne. Paris, 13 March 2013.
Symposium: Earmarked taxes: what legitimacy? Opening statement and chairman. Symposium organised by Fondafip with the support of Gerfip and the Revue Française de Finances Publiques. Pierre Mendès-France amphitheatre, Ministry of Finance, Paris, 11 March 2013
International symposium Italy / France: New challenges of public finance in Italy and France. Opening statement. Introductory report: New challenges of public finance in France. Symposium organised by the University of Bologna and Fondafip. Bologna, 23 February 2013.
International symposium Belgium / France: The influence of the European Union on the public financial policies of Member States. Opening statement. Report: The influence of the European Union on tax policies in France. Symposium organised by the University of Mons and Fondafip. Charleroi, 12 February 2013.
Regional seminar of the IMF to raise awareness of public finance teachers on the budgetary reforms in progress in Central Africa. Yaoundé (Cameroon), 12 to 18 January 2013. Hosting round tables.First report:The new public financial governance: origins and contemporary international development. Second report: Transparency and public financial governance
Regional seminar of the IMF to disseminate the new budgetary directives of the CEMAC Yaoundé (Cameroon), 3 December 2012. First report: CEMAC directive: objectives, innovations, challenges. Second report: The transposition of CEMAC directives into States’ domestic law.
International symposium Quebec-France: Fiscal justice. Symposium organised by APFF, the Chair of research in taxation and public finance of the University of Sherbrooke, and FONDAFIP. Opening statement. Introductory report: Fiscal justice, tax legitimacy and post-modern society. Montreal, 22 November 2012. (Quebec; Canada).
International symposium Morocco / European Union: An institutional convergence for the success of the advanced status. Introductory report: Challenges of the advanced status for Morocco and the European Union. University of Fez, 12 and 13 November 2012.
Symposium of the European Centre of Law of the University of Dijon: The financial framework of the European Union. Introductory report: The financial framework of the European Union by 2020. Dijon, 25 October 2012
16th International conference on tax law of the Brazilian association of tax law. Report: Contencioso administrativo e judicial em materia tributaria e metodos alternativos de soluçao de disputas. Belo Horizonte (Brazil), 20 September 2012.
Symposium of the Centre for International and European studies of the University of Strasbourg: The financial and budgetary crisis in Europe. Chairman and introduction of the first round table:Reply of MPs to budgetary and financial challenges of Europe. Strasbourg, 13 September 2012
6th symposium Fondafip-Ministry of Finance of Morocco: Public finance transparency in Morocco and France: towards a new model. Introductory and closing speech. General report: Public finance transparency: which model? Rabat, 7 and 8 September 2012.
Presentation at the Institut supérieur d’administration of Morocco: Budgetary reform over time and around the world. Rabat, 6 July 2012
Symposium FONDAFIP/AFIGESE, Financial autonomy of local authorities in European Union countries. Opening report. Paris, 27 June 2012.
Symposium Institut de sciences politiques de Paris: 30 years of decentralization. Report:The trials and tribulations of financial autonomy of local authorities. Paris, 19 June 2012
Symposium FONDAFIP-IDP of the University of Poitiers: 30 years of financial decentralization. Opening statement of the symposium.Report: The material and theoretical context of financial decentralisation. Poitiers, 3 April 2012.
Hosting of the Fondafip panel discussion: Development assistance during crises.Debate with Dov Zehra, Managing director of the French Development Agency. University Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, 27 March 2012
Symposium of the Brittany regional chamber of accounts/Fondafip: Financing the protection cultural heritage. Introduction and closing of the symposium. Rennes, 16 March 2012
Symposium of the Finistère general council: 30 years of decentralization and tomorrow?Report: Local financial autonomy during crises. Brest, 12 March 2012
Hosting of the Fondafip panel discussion: Decentralization: Progress report and outlook.Debate with Edmond Hervé. University Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, 28 February 2012
International symposium with the Ministry of Planning of Vietnam: Decentralization and programming investments.First report: Decentralisation: a condition of development. Second report: Conditions of good public financial governance. Ha Long (Vietnam), 23/24 February 2012
Meeting Institut national du patrimoine, ENA, INET; Chairman of the session: European funding for culture? Strasbourg, 6 February 2012
Conference at the University Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas: Local financial governance in crisis? Paris, 23 January 2012
Symposium of the University Paris 13 CERAP: Rebuilding income tax. Report: Fiscal justice and income tax and chairman of the round table on The progressive nature of income tax. Paris, 20 January 2012.
Symposium KPMG/Economic, Social and Environmental Council. Ten years after the LOLF budget framework act. Introduction and hosting of the round table: LOLF and public management. Paris, 16 December 2011.
International symposium of the University of Mons CERCP and Fondafip: Public financial challenges in Belgium and France. Introduction of the symposium and report: Budgetary reform of the State in France. Mons (Belgium), 5 December 2011.
Symposium, From the Tax Council to the Mandatory Tax Withholding Council. Introduction of the symposium and chairman of the session. Court of Auditors/Fondafip. Paris, 30 November 2011.
Seminar French General Review of Public Policies (RGPP) of the Budget Ministry. Presentation: Did the French General Review of Public Policies betray the LOLF budget framework act? Bercy. Paris, 29 November 2011
International symposium, Tax reform in Italy and France. Introductory report: Reforming taxes: current challenges. Fondafip/ University of Bologna. Bologna (Italy), 22 November 2011
International seminar of the local law institute of the Autonomous University of Madrid, Gobierno local in Francia. Report: Las crisis y la nueva gobernanza financiera local en Francia. Madrid (Spain), 18 November 2011.
Symposium Fondafip, Financial rating, Opening, chairman and closing. University Paris I, 15 November 2011
Symposium Court of Auditors /National Assembly, Tens years after the LOLF budget framework act. Report: Challenges and political perspectives. Paris, 9 and 10 November 2011
Symposium University Rennes 2/ IEP Rennes: Public financial decision. Report: The public financial decision-making process as regards democracy and sovereignty. Rennes, 13 and 14 October 2011
Symposium Fondafip: Consolidation of public accounts. Opening, chairmanshop and closing. Paris, 11 October 2011.
Symposium Fondafip/Association française de droit constitutionnel: Constitution and balanced public finances. Introductory and closing speech. Presentation: Conditions for the effectiveness of balanced public finances. Paris, 30 September 2011.
5th symposium Fondafip-Ministry of Finance of Morocco: Consistency between public finance in Morocco and France. Introductory and closing speech. Report: Consistency of the public financial decision-making process. Rabat, 9 and 10 September 2011.
15th International congress on tax law of the Brazilian association of tax law. Report: As crises e as repartiçao de competencias entre o estado nacional e as coletividades territoriais. Belo Horizonte (Brazil), 17 August 2011.
4th Congress on international tax law of the Brazilian institute of tax law. Report: Mobilizar e reinventar o imposto : uma resposta as crisas. Sao Paulo (Brazil), 22 August 2011.
Symposium Brazil / France of the Law Faculty of the University of Sao Paulo (Brazil): Comparative financial and tax law. Report: Novo civismo fiscal e legitimado do imposto.Sao Paulo, 24 August 2011.
Conference at the Economic and financial law department of the University of Sao Paulo (Brazil): As crises e as transformaçoes do direito orçamiento. Sao Paulo, 22 August 2011
Symposium of the Ministry of Finance of the Dominican Republic: Desarrollo territorial, transparencia e institucionalidad. Introductory report: Territorial development and good governance. Santo Domingo, 5 and 6 July 2011.
Symposium University Aix-Marseille III, Good tax governance. Chairman and introduction of the round table Progress towards good tax governance. Aix-en-Provence, 27 May 2011.
Symposium Sciences Po, Local authorities and decentralisation: oversights of the reform, Paris, 3 May 2011. Introduction and hosting of the round table: Reform of professional tax and its impacts
Tribute to Philippe Séguin organised by Fondafip with the support of the Court of Auditors at the University Paris I Sorbonne, 5 April 2011. Presentation: Philippe Séguin, chairman of the Mandatory Tax Withholdings Council.
Symposium University of Poitiers IDP and Fondafip (Poitiers, 25 March 2011): Public finance and old age.Summary report.
Symposium of the MADP Chair of Sciences Po and Council of State (Paris, 11 March 2011): The future of the French model of public law in Europe. Presentation: Founding principles and limits of public intervention: the case of public financial law.
International symposium of the University of Hubei and FONDAFIP on 15 and 16 January 2011 in Wuhan (People’s Republic of China): Public finance reform and new governance. Opening and closing of the symposium. Report: State budget reform
Symposium KSAP-ENA 16 and 17 December 2010 in Warsaw (Poland); Change management in the public administration. Report: Reform strategies of the administration in France
Fondafip-Gerfip symposium (Chairman): Royalties: new developments? Paris, 30 November 2010
International symposium, Post-crisis taxation in France and Italy, Report: Tools to prevent tax evasion. Fondafip/ University of Bologna. Bologna (Italy), 26 November 2010
International symposium, Legal problems for building a programme budget. Report: Programming and new financial governance in France. University of Bialystok (Poland), 25 October 2010
Course at the Law Faculty of Bialystok (Poland), 25 October 2010: State budget reform in France
International symposium, New public finance governance in Morocco and France: what perspectives? Report: The three ages of local financial governance and State. Fondafip/Ministry of the Economy and Finance. Rabat, 18 and 19 September 2010.
Symposium, Meetings with the Public Finance Directorate General. Report: New civic attitude towards taxation and the legitimacy of tax collection. Paris, 29 June 2010
Symposium of the University of Nantes on 25 and 26 June 2010: Performance of State controls on local authorities. Chairman of the session: Relevance of the comprehensive control framework
International symposium of the European Union and the Ministry of Finance of Poland: Performance budgeting and managing public finance. Report: Implementation and challenges of performance budgeting in France. Warsaw: 24 and 25 June 2010
Conferences at the Engecon University of Saint Petersburg 19 and 20 June 2010: The French local system and Decentralisation in European Union countries,
Symposium AFIGESE, Paris, 15 June 2010, Report: Local financial governance during public financial crises
Economic University of Saint-Petersburg (Russia); 11 June 2010 conference: French local system
Court of Auditors of Morocco, dinner debate, 4 June 2010, conference: Budgetary challenges of economic crises: difficult relationships between public finance, the State, the market and time
Symposium of the Sorbonne economics centre; 2 June 2010; Report: Compliance and tax law: converging views.
Symposium of the Institut de Sciences Politiques de Paris, Local authorities faced with reforms. Paris, 4 May 2010. Report: Public finance reform.
International symposium of the Moscow Academy of Finance, Budgetary and tax reforms in contemporary society. Moscow, 18 and 19 March 2010. Opening of the symposium and two reports. First report: Budgetary reform in France: origins, characteristics, challenges. Second report: Financial autonomy of local authorities in France
International symposium Fondafip-University of Krakow, New public financial governance in Poland and France: challenges in a crisis environment, Krakow on 8 and 9 March 2010. Opening of the symposium and introductory report: Public finance crises and State reforms.
International symposium Fondafip-University of Liege, Public finance, programming and economic crisis, Brussels, 12 February 2010, Opening of the symposium and introductory report: New public financial governance and crises.
Symposium of the University of Savoie, Chambery, 5 February 2010: Principle of sincerity in public finance. Summary report and chairman of a round table.
Conference at the symposium of the Collège d’études interdisciplinaire of the University of Paris 11: Public finance crises and the State crisis, Sceaux, 16 December 2009
Conference of the Congress of the Association des régions de France (Marseille, 10 December 2009): Report: Reform of professional tax.
Symposium Fondafip-Gerfip, chairman of the session, The role of the contract and repression in customs law, University Paris I, 24 November 2009
Conference at the 13th International congress of the Brazilian association of tax law (Belo Horizonte; Brazil, 13 November 2009). Closing report: Existe segurança jurídica numa sociedade pós-moderna complexa?
Conference at the Seminario democracia participativa (Ano da França no Brasil) (Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 13 November 2009): As experiença do Conselho de impostos frances e da Comissao permanente de simplificaçao e revisao da ligislaçao tributaria : fiscalidade e tributo participativo
Conference at the symposium of the UMR of Comparative law of the University Paris I (Paris, 12 November 2009), Public finance and the crisis
Symposium of Granem of the University of Angers, chairman of the session: Challenges of the funding arrangements of public services, Angers, 1 October 2009
Introductory report of the international symposium of Fondafip-Ministry of Finance of Morocco, The impact of the crisis on public finances, Rabat, 11 and 12 September 2009
Symposium of the UMR Law and social change of Faculty of law and political science of the University of Nantes; chairman of the session: Performance of State controls on local authorities: the relevance of the comprehensive framework, Nantes, 25 June 2009
Conference at the international symposium of the Bundesrat, The French local system: an English garden, Saarbrück, 24 June 2009
Conference at the international symposium of Fondafip-University of Lisbon, Public finance crisis: crisis of a political model, Lisbon, 19 June 2009
Conference at the Fondafip international symposium, Good public financial governance: an answer to the crisis, Paris, 4 May 2009
Conference at the international symposium of Fondafip-University of Bologna, Reform of the State budget in France, Bologna, 16 March 2009
Conference at the symposium of Fondafip-University of Poitiers: Assistance for local economic development; Poitiers, 6 February 2009
Conference at the annual Convention of Caisses d’Allocations familiales: Historical developments of the performance culture in the public sector. Paris, 15 January 2009
Conference at KPMG universities: Anticipating reforms in terms of finance and local taxation. Paris, 16 December 2008
Conference at the European Forum on the future of the administration and local authorities: Impacts of decentralisation on public finance. Paris (Senate), 21 November 2008.
Conferences at the University of Hubei (China): Performance culture, new public financial governance and State reform in France. Wuhan, 7 to 12 November 2008
Conference at the symposium of the Centre Maurice Hauriou of the University Paris Descartes: Constitution and new public financial governance: the question of the balanced budget, Paris, 3 October 2008
Conference at the symposium of the Polish academy of science: New public financial governance in France. Paris, 16 September 2008
Conference at the symposium of FONDAFIP / Ministry of the Economy and Finance of Morocco: Performance culture and new public financial governance. Rabat, 12, 13 and 14 September 2008
Conference at the symposium of the CERFF of the University Lyon III: The LOLF budget framework law and local authorities. Lyon, 11 September 2008
Conference at the 12th International congress of the Brazilian association of tax law (Belo Horizonte; Brazil, 26 August 2008). Opening report: “Sociedades complexes a inter câmbio de informaçoes fiscals”
Conference at the international symposium of CIFOP: Macro-budgetary monitoring of local finance. Report: Performance culture in the management of local authorities. Brussels, 25 June 2008
Conference at the international symposium of the Instituto de direito economico financeiro e fiscal of the University of Lisbon, 24 June 2008: Portugal/Uniao europeia e os EUA navas perspectivas economicas num contexto de globalzaçao. Report: Desenvolvimento sustensavel des finanças publicas : que contrato social para uma nova geraçao ?.
Introduction and closing of the 4th international university of public finance of FONDAFIP: New public financial governance around the world. Paris, 16 and 17 June 2008
Inaugural conference of the economics studies of the Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature: Performance culture, new public financial governance and State reform. Bordeaux, 14 May 2008
Conference at the European meetings on heritage (INP Paris), 3 April 2008. Report: The intangible economy and the post-modern State
International conference of LERAD (University of Tours), 28 March 2008, New developments on decentralisation challenges in France and Poland: converging views. (Chairman of the session)
Conference at the international symposium of the University of Bologna (Italy), 29 February 2008. Opening statement and reports. First report: Major challenges of local tax reform. Second report: Tax transactions
Conference at the Joseph Cambon symposium. Regional chamber of accounts of Languedoc-Roussillon, Montpellier, 13 December 2007: New developments on the financial work of Joseph Cambron
Conference at the International Savings Day, Portuguese Court of Auditors, Lisbon 31 October 2007. Report: Public savings, private savings and new public financial governance.
Conference at the AFIGESE congress on 27 September 2007 (Strasbourg): Performance logic and new public financial governance.
Conference at the symposium of the Court of Auditors, 24 and 25 September 2007 (Paris): Experts and politicians: the new alliance between the Court of Auditors and Parliament?
Opening and closing of the international symposium France / Morocco: Public finance reform in France and Morocco, Rabat, 15 and 16 September 2007 (symposium organised by GERFIP, FONDAFIP, Revue Française de Finances Publique and the Ministry of Finance and Privatisation of Morocco).
Conference at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland: Performance logic and new public financial governance (Warsaw, 11 September 2007).
Conference at the International congress of the Brazilian association of tax law (Belo Horizonte; Brazil, 22-24 August 2007). Opening report: “A capacidade contributiva no pasado ana sociedad pos-moderna”
Conference at the second Brazilian congress on international tax law (University of Sao Paolo, Brazil, 19-21 August 2007). Opening report: “Acordos entre fisco e contribuinte sob a perspectiva do direito tributario internaconal”
Conference at the international congress of the Brazilian federation of tax studies FEBRAFITE (Brazil: Salvador, 4-7 June 2007). Report: “Administaçao tributària : experiência internacional”
Conference at the symposium of the AFD and the Fiscal Policy Office of the Ministry of Finance of Thailand (Bangkok, 3 and 4 April 2007): The finance corporation for local authorities project development. Introductory report: A new local public financial governance
Conference at the “Meeting on public innovation” of the Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industry. Monitoring through performance. Paris, 14 February 2007
Conference at the symposium of the University of Bologna, Local taxation in Europe; Bologna, 1 February 2007): Major challenges of local taxation in France
Tax seminar France / Vietnam (Paris, 15-19 January 2007), introductory report: New tax governance: an international phenomenon